# BEM (Block, Element & Modifier) Methodology

Concept: Block, Element and Modifier -> provide a modular structure to your CSS project, also provide relationship between CSS and HTML.

Format: [Block]__[Element]--[Modifier]

The common knowledge so far:

  • Block: refers to the DOM element, eg: div, p etc
  • Element: refers to sub-element, eg: product__image, product__title can be element for product (as block), is using double underscore (__)
  • Modifier: refers to the element or sub-element's attribute, eg: product--background product__title--large, is using double dash (--)

Example 1: Block--Modifier

  <a class="btn btn--big btn--orange" href="https://css-tricks.com">

Example 2: Block__Element

  <figure class="photo">
    <img class="photo__img" src="me.jpg">
    <figcaption class="photo__caption">
      <blockquote class="photo__quote">
        Look at me!

    .photo { }
    .photo__img { }
    .photo__caption { }
    .photo__quote { }

Example 3: Block__Element--Modifier

<figure class="photo photo--highlighted">
  <img class="photo__img" src="me.jpg">
  <figcaption class="photo__caption">Look at me!</figcaption>

  .photo--highlighted .photo__img { }
  .photo--highlighted .photo__caption { }


  1. Reference 1
  2. Reference 2