# Resources to read (before interview)

1. ES6 tips here

2. Before interview read: here

3. NodeJS interview tips prepare here

4. NodeJS best practices Github here

5. Roadmap for techs: here

6. JavScript is a dynamically typed language: here

7. Axios cheat sheet: here

8. JavaScript tips from github: here

9. JavaScript micro-test: here

10. Backend N + 1 Problem: here

11. React App Performance Optimization: here

12. Web Accessibility MDN: here

13. Dan's react note

14. System Design Cheatsheet

15. Styled Components setup global styles setup

16. JavaScript interview questions

17. How to create better APIs?

18. Functional Programming in JavaScript

19. Interview test short answers

20. Flexbox reference

21. Redux-toolkit handle non-serializable data

22. Mistakes in JavaScript coding test

23. Why we need semicolons in JavaScript

24. Best practices for a clean react project

25. CSS Interview Questions

26. Common JS memory leak issues

27. What is NodeJS
