# Understanding arrow function (this) in JavasScript

arrow function do NOT bind its own this, it inherits parent this scope.

When to use arrow functions (common cases): when working with closures and callbacks

When NOT consider arrow function (common cases): when working with class/objects methods and constructor

Classic Example:

const obj = {
  fn: () => {
    console.log(this); // `this` refers to window or global object

Difference between arrow function and normal function

// Arrow function
const anotherObject = {
  asyncCall: (param, cb, parameter) => {
    console.log(`${param}, ${cb(parameter)}`); // Result is: "Arrow function output: , undefined " because parameter was not defined from global window object

const callback = (parameter) => {
  return parameter;

const obj = {
  parameter: "parameter example 1",
  fn: () => {
    // here is the key, if we use arrow function here, this refers to global object
      "Arrow function output: ",

// Normal Function
const anotherObject = {
  asyncCall: (param, cb, parameter) => {
    console.log(`${param}, ${cb(parameter)}`); // Result is: "Arrow function output: , parameter example 1"

const callback = (parameter) => {
  return parameter;

const obj = {
  parameter: "parameter example 1",
  fn: function() {
    // here is the key, we need to use `normal` function here in order to pass this.parameter value into other object
      "Arrow function output: ",


Shorter example to compare result of Normal function and Arrow function:

// Normal  function
const const myObject = {
  p: 1,
  myMethod: function () {
    console.log(this); // `this` refers to `myObject`
myObject.myMethod(); // {p: 1, myMethod: ƒ}

// Arrow function
const myObject1 = {
  p: 1,
  myMethod: () => {
    console.log(this); // `this` refers as `window` object
myObject1.myMethod(); // window object

Some new examples:

// arrow function `this` inside a class:
class ThisClassDemo {
  fn() {
    const value = "123";
    console.log("inside fn: ", this);

    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("inside fn and then setTimeout: ", this, value);
    }, 0);

const thisClassDemoInstance = new ThisClassDemo();

// inside fn: {}
// inside fn and then setTimeout: {} '123'

// normal function `this` inside a class

class ThisClassDemo {
  fn() {
    const value = "123";
    console.log("inside fn: ", this);

    setTimeout(function() {
      console.log("inside fn and then setTimeout: ", this, value);
    }, 0);

const thisClassDemoInstance = new ThisClassDemo();
// inside fn: {}
// inside fn and then setTimeout: Window object '123'