# SQL General recalls

1. Common tips:

  • double hash (--) means not run the code
  • Usually in SQL, we use single quote
  • <> is same as !=, which means not equal to

2. SQL: Structured Query Language

3. Important Query Commands:

  • USE: use database TEST
  • SELECT: select database columns (eg: select *)
  • FROM: from which database table
  • WHERE: condition
  • ORDER BY: default is ascending order
  • AS: give a column custom name
  • AND OR NOT: operators, ☞ venn diagram (eg: <>: means not equal)
  • IN: contains which values, eg:
  select * from customers where state not in ('CO', 'IL', 'FL’)
  • LIKE: find similar data eg:
  • REGEX: regular expression, powerful for using searching strings inside a table,
    • ^: beginning of the string
    • $: end of the string
    • |: logical or (multiple patterns) eg:
  where last_name regexp 'ey$|on$’ last_name end with ey or on
  • IS NULL or IS NOT NULL: check condition the attribute is not null or is null records eg:
  where phone is not null
  • ORDER BY: ascending order or descending order eg:
  order by first_name desc
  • LIMIT: top number of records (eg: top 10 records)
  • JOIN ON: join two tables together, if we type JOIN means inner join, eg:
join tableName on condition (tableA.AttributeId == tableB.AttributeId)
join customers on orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id
select oi.order_id, oi.unit_price from order_items oi join products p on p.product_id = oi.product_id
  • JOIN: join across multiple dbs
  • outer join: LEFT JOIN & RIGHT JOIN:
    • eg: join start from left table or start from right table
    • left: we get all the data from left table (which is from TableName) whether the condition is true or not
    • right: we get all the data from right table (which is from TableName) whether the condition is true or not
select p.product_id, p.name, oi.quantity from products p left join order_items oi on p.product_id = oi.product_id
  • USING: is a shortcut for p.product_id = oi.product_id, just using this USING(product_id) [ONLY for the SAME attribute name]
  • UNION: combine data from multiple queries [can be from same table or different table, can be same from same db or different db]!!! eg:
select *
from orders
where order_id >= 8
select *
from orders
where shipper_id >= 3
  • INSERT INTO: add data to db table, eg:
INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name, birth_date, address, city, state)
VALUES (DEFAULT, 'ella', 'wu', '2018-06-01', NULL, 'Newington', 'Sydney', 'CA', '10000')
  • UPDATE: modify current record, eg:
UPDATE table name SET columns with updated value WHERE which data needs to be updated
-- eg:
UPDATE sql_store.NewTable SET status = 3 WHERE order_id = 9
  • DELETE: remove a record(s), eg:
DELETE FROM which table WHERE: which record
-- eg:
DELETE FROM sql_store.NewTable WHERE status = 3;
  • CREATE TABLE: used for copy a table and its records, eg:
create table NewTableNAME as select * from orders;

4. PostgreSQL queries for array of objects in JSONB format

The major method is: jsonb_to_recordset

-- select email from user_email_configuration, jsonb_to_recordset(user_email_configuration.body->'users') as users(email text)
-- select * from user_email_configuration where body->>'groupname' = 'gitenant.app-demo'

5. PostgreSQL query checking the data occurrence count

SELECT column5, COUNT(\*)
FROM table1
GROUP BY column5

6. SQL (relational) vs Non-SQL (non-relational) [Year 2021 - understanding]

SQL: more relational related, like table got connected/closed relationship with another table

Non-SQL: can be treated as a json object tree, which handles better with unstructured data (JSON object mostly)

  • SQL is easier to read data with powerful queries and hard to save data with multiple validations, Non-SQL is reverse, which means hard to read but easier to save

  • SQL is not very good to handle tons of request at same time, but Non-SQL is better with it

  • SQL database like PostgreSQL can save data as JSON format, like JSONB, more like a hybrid tool. But Non-SQL is not able to build any relationships between data, its just a json data.

One word, it depends on the specific requirements, there is no best choice, but we do have suitable solutions.