# JavaScript this:

1. this keyword in function, object literal and class:

// function
function thisFn() {
  console.log("function this: ", this);

thisFn(); // Window object

// object literal

const thisObject = {
  insideFn() {
    console.log("object this: ", this);

thisObject.insideFn(); // { insideFn: insideFn() }

// class
class ThisClass {
  method() {
    console.log("class this: ", this);

const thisClassInstance = new ThisClass();

thisClassInstance.method(); // empty object {}

2. access this object with DOM

const elem = document.querySelector(".click");

function handleClick(this: HTMLAnchorElement, event: Event) {

  console.log(this.href); // we can access this object which is pointing to the anchor element (`elem`) from the DOM tree
  // this.href: means we can access <a> tag related attributes !!!!

elem.addEventListener("click", handleClick, false); // actually `this` is pointing to `elem`

// Thus, we need to specify the element inside handleClick function !!!!
// Also check typescript configuration of "noImplicitThis" attribute !!!!
